Training and Research

Training of Doctors

We are an accredited training practice and frequently have GP Registrars working with us. GP Registrars are fully qualified doctors who are in the final stages of training before working as a GP in their own right.

Training sessions sometimes include the video recordings of consultations which enable the effectiveness of the doctor to be assessed. Whenever video recordings are proposed, you will be consulted, and you may opt not to participate if you prefer.


The Practice is also involved in General Practice Research, and the aims are to:

  • Improve the evidence base for primary care.
  • Inform the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and management of illness and disease in primary care.
  • Facilitate and increase the Participation of General Practices, primary care practitioners and patients in research.

Please be aware that if you are invited to participate in a study, whether you accept the invite or decline, this will not affect your care or relationship with the practice in any way.